Sunday, February 20, 2011

How sweet-Blogger is protecting me

So, you have seen the new layout on my blog by now. It's not by choice. I wanted to upload the greatest pic of "My 3 sons" but blogger won't let me. I have now tried several different templates both from blogger and other sites. Clearly, blogger does not want freaky internet predators to see how cute my boys are because they want to protect us. Awwww.

Now, who's going to come over and fix this?


Tracy said...

make sure you don't have any html/coding in either a gadget or the design advanced section, then re-try loading the pic. and adding back the other codes you want.

Brittany said...

Certainly not me but I do like the kids in the candy store shot!

Ann said...

blogger does weird things like that to me every once in a while. i usually wait a day or two and try again. sometimes that works-sometimes not. that's all i can offer, though...sorry! but i'm loving the candy store, too and i want to go there! where is it?!?

Lauren in GA said...

So, the new picture at the top is not the one you wanted? I love the new header...