Saturday, February 28, 2009

"Break a leg--and break an arm!"

said S to F heading off to rehearsal.

After the end of another whirlwind week, F graced the stage with his presence in the Missoula Children's Theatre production of Hansel and Gretel. He was in the "New Camper"chorus.
Yay for a wonderful show! Yay for the experience! Yay for the week of daily after school 4.5 hour long practices (and chaperoning) coming to a screeching hault!
A nod to Kris Graham for another great photo.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

No, I am not starting an etsy or anything

I was looking for a project to distract me for a week or so and I found it. A few weeks ago I bought some of this great vintage fabric. I had some ideas for it, but there were only scraps of it left, so I was limited. I really thought it would be great for aprons, but because right now (actually, they are almost passe) aprons are the trendy Mormon mom project, I wanted to do something else.

But alas...

While I am NOT the sewer extraordinaire, I think they turned out pretty great. I have enough fabric to make three more (I hope), so I can be distracted from reality just a little bit longer. Plus, I can say I am doing my part to hold status among the TMM's. Pha-shew!

Sidebar: Thanks gma, for the bias tape. Why did I just learn about this? Why does anyone ever hem anything?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

At Least Now I Know the Reason

A chicken inside a duck inside a turkey, all wrapped in bacon.

I guess I better change my dietary habits.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What LaQuinta and I have in common

S found me in the guest room (aka my laundry room when visitors are not here) this morning after breakfast. I was switching a load (that sounds crass somehow...? chalk it up to the boys locker room I call a house), when he stumbled across this scene:
He squealed in delight, "Huh--Aweessome! Mom--it's the hotel thing. We have the thing from the hotel at our house. Cool!"

Yes dear, we too have "the thing." It is called an ironing board. And I'm sorry. Maybe you can ask your dad how it works.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

For everyone who has ever been and anyone who wants to

Oh how I miss it even more after watching.

Admittedly, I stole the link from Kalani's blog, so thanks for sharing brother-in-law!

Monday, February 09, 2009

"Go to East Asheville Hardware Before You Go to Lowe's"

I always talk about supporting local business. Then I go to Target or
Now this great little shop downtown is going out of business. Could I have saved it alone? Obviously not. But it is still sad and I should have done more. I will say we do pretty well supporting local restaurants, as my big bum can attest. So here's an addition to my new year's resolution list: support local business with my wallet not just my words.
PS-Without googling it first, who sang the song from the line in the title?

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Hanson--I mean, Jonas Brothers--look out!

Our rock star son turned 3 today. He actually asked for drums for his birthday. He announces to complete strangers, "Hey. Me totally awesome. Me super cool. Me gonna be in a rock band." (The grammarian in Jack cringes everytime S insists on using "me" instead of "I")

Lately he has been chatting non-stop about playing bass guitar (I'm not even sure where he heard that word, let alone repeating it properly), and being a rock star when he gets bigger. With his haircut (or lack thereof), he is on his way... Jack joined the band today as he couldn't resist the rockers plea to "Stay home from work dad and come to my party!" Big fat yay for vacation days.

It is our first time having to throw an inside bday because of snow outside (and brothers with summer bdays) which limits both how many you can invite, as well as what you can do with the parachute. Turns out, not many, and not much.
Happy Rock Star Birthday S!