At 8, we managed to do what parents to best: deflect and manipulate. Yes, F, you can have a dog, IF, you really want one and the accompanying responsibility. We focused on the early morning potty trips, the wintry walks, the poop-scooping, the grooming, the trouble. We talked him out of it, but made him think HE was the one deciding against it. (Not my proudest parenting moment.) I was just so unprepared myself, I guess I plain chickened out.
Relentless, his B-day is approaching and guess what he wants? You guessed it: a Yorkie poo (No, John(s) this is not something nasty). We drove to see a man about a dog (again, not a euphemism). He has puppies for sale in Lynchburg...and, no surprise, F fell in love.
What am I going to do? I say "I" because Jack has wanted a dog since our union 11 years ago. Help me, dog lovers, is it worth it? Coming from someone who has NEVER had a pet, you have some convincing to, GO!
And before you say it, I have a 12-point criteria list for any dog crossing my doorstep, and this one is it. We tried the Humane Society and the local Rescue, and unable to save the 3 legged, one eyed Pinscher, we lended up back at this one. But we TOO saw the Oprah on puppy mills, so we will stay clear of those...PROMISE!