Thursday, July 16, 2009

G saves the universe (& eats cake)!

A 6th birthday brought a superhero party with his school buddies & cousin M.
They saved the world one water balloon, bubble, and punch ball at a time, as they laughed with superhuman strength!
Then they crafted badges, utility belts, and t-shirt uniforms to become superheros of their own creation.
Dinner of his choice tonight, I-HOP.

This year has been such a spectacular year for G. He had a fabulous year of kindergarten where he made great friends and learned to read and write like a pro! He matured a lot since his last b-day, especially in terms of his relationships with his brothers and others. His kindness overflows at times and he is gentle and sweet and loving. He still keeps them on their toes though, which is good, particularly for F. S looks up to him like he's the sun and the moon. Anything G does, S copies. And oh how he makes us laugh. This boy is funny!
G we love you to pieces and I said it first! I remember walking F to kindergarten everyday with G as a newborn in the stroller. Oh how he cried and squealed as a little boy. Nothing made him happy. He helped us understand unconditional love and patience beyond measure. And with his new haircut, I see him as such a grown boy. He is changing & growing before my eyes and it is beautiful.


Bob and Joan said...

There is a song that goes "Beautiful, Beautiful Boy... with G you have one. He is beautiful in all ways.

Lauren in GA said...

Awwwwwww, Jaime that made me teary. I will always remember how you called him, "Peaches" and how my boys insisted on calling him that from the day they heard that on.

Remember when (was her name Kristen?) Jeffs said, "The Bitter Beer Face!" because G used to purse his little lips and smack when he was in the exersaucer.

He sounds like a total riot and is so handsome.

Happy Birthday, G!!

Also, throw the greatest parties. I am always so, so, so, impressed.

Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday G! Wish we could celebrate with you!

Alyssa said...

I had no idea he was so close in age to John! can't wait to see you guys in a few short weeks!