Sunday, July 11, 2010

Solution to frustration about 1 dog?

Get another?

S is crazy about getting his "own" dog (although he wants to name her Cookie 2 which we have all out rejected). While this is NOT our reasoning, we have been talking about Cookie needing a playmate, especially since her #1 play pal will be heading to preschool 5 days a week this year. No decisions have been made, no meeting has been arranged, but we are tossing it around.

How stupid are we?


Beth Freestone said...

Not stupid at all if you are a Jemison!

Amy said...

and furthermore...nevermind, just call me

Ann said...

just a thought to keep you grounded (from a admittedly non-pet person) twice as much poop in the yard to dodge. i'm nothing if not helpful.

and on the flip side-that dog is pretty freakin adorable!

Alyssa said...

You know that the minute you get a new dog and you are right in the thick of adjusting you will also get a baby... so I say go for it!

Lauren in GA said...

Awwww, but look at that sweet little face. How can you refuse her? I read her little story...she was tossed away...left to die!!

If she doesn't bite and is housebroken I say do it.

Well, the other commenters did bring up a good point...that is twice the poop...

...but that face...

I want Amy's pug. I love pugs.