Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Chee-z-y Postcards, "This Insults Women" Stickers, and Blue Nail Polish

I was looking for something in office and stumbled across my two shoe boxes and decided it was time to reminisce. You know "the boxes." The memories you hold onto from your other lives. With the Jack gone and the boys wrapped up in the Olympics, I pulled them both down and decided to take a stroll.

It's crazy (there is a better word, I just don't know it) how many different lives we live. Each of mine have sculpted and crafted me into who I am today. Some for the better, some for the worse. I don't want to wax all philosophical here, but reading all the letters, seeing all of the phases-it feels like I have crammed so many lives into my 35 years of living. Remembering I was a person before I was married. I had loves and friends and experiences that were incredible and amazing and such a blessing to my life. Remembering Jack and I were lovers before we were parents. We were parents of 1 before we were parents of 3. We were young parents before we were old parents.

I just feel blessed for the phases of my life and all the people along the way who have inspired me, taught me, connected with me, loved me, and helped me become ME. What's the next phase going to bring?


Lauren in GA said...

That picture is all kinds of awesome. I should right click it and keep it forever...heh, heh, heh...I slay myself...

This post was absolutely poetic, Jaime. I know you weren't trying to, "wax all philosophical" as you said, but it really is true...we do live so many lives. I love how you said that they have sculpted and crafted you into who you are today.

Alyssa said...

That picture is exactly how I remember you guys. If I really think about it, it is hard to believe you are "old parents of three"-- just like me.

Brittany said...

We shall see, we shall see!