Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's more real when I see it in black and white!

The following table represents matches between birthmothers (initials) and adoptive families (first names).

(LS) AA Gender Unknown - To be born in MO - December 16Robert and Andrea
(CB) CC Boy - To be born in Utah - December 30Annette
(LS) 3/4 CC 1/4 AA Girl- To be born in Utah - January 7Jack and Jaime
(CW) AA Girl - To be born in Utah - January 9Lance and Bethany
(YG) AA Gender Unknown - To be born in Utah - January 11Josh and Melissa
(SL) 1/2 CC 1/2 Hisp Girl - To be born in Utah - January 12Mike and Nora
(TH) AA Boy - To be born in Utah - January 16Michael and Clara
(KH) CC Girl - To be born in Utah - January 17Justin and Natalie
(JS) CC Girl - To be born in Tennessee - January 30Jeremy and Lisa


Lauren in GA said...

Just started to cry...again...

I am so happy for you!!

Ann said...

still gives me chills! and there is something official about seeing it in black and white-i agree! official AND exciting!

Brittany said...

The countdown is on! I just went through my box to get warm clothes for S on the trip. So cute...can't wait to share!