My house didn't burn down. I'm not scrounging for food in a trash can. My children are healthy. My husband and I actually like each other (most days). I'm alive. Compared to a lot of people in the world, I have it pretty great. I acknowledge that. To me, we will be considered "well to do" when I can go to Target and buy everything we need, a couple of things we want, and not worry about the price tag. And that lifestyle is just up the road a ways-I can almost see it. I don't need a mansion, "the" car, or to be a millionaire. Sometimes though, I just want money to burn. This is how I'd burn it if I had it this week.

Starting at a very reasonable $45, the silver and wood finger cuff.

A little higher, we'd get the pounded silver charm bracelet, sans charms, at $108

Since I do run around a million places, and need to be on time, and the 13 watches I already own are not wraparound, I'd add this to my cart for only $198.

And really sealing the deal, and satisfying me completely would be the platinum Galahad necklace at a mere $415.
Oh Robert, you had me at Tibetan coral.
Love sundance, don't love the prices. I've found some pretty great knock offs on etsy-if you have a couple hours to spend searching.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh....wouldn't that just be great! Just got home from Target and I'm still feeling a little guilty about the 97 cent mini-igloo I bought to put in our lunch box for the zoo. And do we really need 4 boxes of tissue for $5. I think so because they're the ones with lotion. What a splurge!!!
It is good you are dreaming in dollars. You really would be decadent here. You totaled out at 34,470 Rupees.
Fun! Hey, we have a Sundance store here. If you come I will buy you a ring or bracelet!
I was like, "they have that at Target??!!!" but then I kept reading.
Thanks for the shout out!! Uh, unless you meant a different Lauren...that would be most embarrassing...
Your choices are stunning. I to burn would be fabulous.
I want some Robert Redford Tibetan coral, too.
i'd forgotten about the sundance catalog! uh oh-i think i'm going to be in the same boat as you-dreaming, dreaming, dreaming.... at least you posted it all in print so if jack ever wants to surprise you, he knows just what you'll like.
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