Lyssa had referenced this picture awhile ago so I set out on a mission to find it, and viola! (Thanks again C, look at the great scan...)

We had been driving back home to UT from CA when we were delayed because the freeway had closed on one side because the wildfires had gotten too close to the road. Of course we had to stop and take some pictures (how dumb are we in college?). As I look at this picture, all I can think is how reassuring (?) it is that even THEN, in my shall we call them "smaller days", I still had backfat.
You are so funny! You both look so young, even with not being able to see your faces.
Wow! That must have been some kiss to set the town on fire!
That is some hhhhot-t-t-t back fat! Actually I can't even see it-- that's one great scan.
You people are crazy. You could have gotten hurt.
Actually, that is a really cool picture...besides it being so DANGEROUS.
Now I get to say something about how HOT you are for each other...
What back fat? Seriously. You guys were so passionate--fiery! I have a real back fat picture (from last summer) and I'm trying to figure out how to show you without posting it to the whole world!!!
*ring* *ring*...
Hey, Jaime...I just had to give you a quick call and see if I hurt your feelings by saying that you and Jack were crazy for posing so close to a wildfire...
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