We've Decided to Adopt a Baby!!
Well, try to anyway. We have been working with LDS Family Services and are awaiting final approval, which now looks like it will be NEXT Monday. Everything is done, just waiting for paperwork to be stamped. But we are tired of waiting to spread the news. When it is official, we will send you the link to our online profile. Once we are officially approved, we wait for a birthmother to choose us.
So I imagine I am screwed since I can't even wait to announce we are "trying," nevermind "expecting."
Hooray! Are you going to beat the record?
We are very exciting for you!
And it was nice to see my very own Bryna Sheri in that CPK photo op.
what the...next week? LAME! what happened?
I love it! Good luck- it will be an emotional trip-- but well worth it!
I am so, so happy for you and your family!!! It makes me giddy! Can I put some emoticons to prove how happy I am?
I keep thinking about how F said, "And then I forgive myself" concerning the lost games. I even told Steph and we had a good laugh and both agree he is such a great kiddo. Should I call him, "Kiddo"...."kid" doesn't seem right..."child" doesn't seem right...I should say, "young man". F is a great young man.
After all the paperwork, interviews, and millions of quetions, the waiting game begins. I still can't believe how fast you all got things done. It helped inspire me to pull more late nights to finish up our stuff.
Oh the memories are coming back...what a pendulum of emotions. We're excited and very happy for you.
I hope your Cabbage Patch Dreams come true and that your baby doesn't have a yarn afro.
Yeah! How exciting! I think I'm about to tear up. You will definitely be in our prayers. So fun! I can't wait to hear more!!
awesome! good luck!
I am so excited for you guys! It's interesting how our lives turn out different than we first imagined, but wonderful still the same.
P.S. Horray that my blog let you comment on it. I appreciate the love. ;)
I am so happy and excited for your family. My girls and I are living proof that adoption is a loving and fulfilling way to make (or add to) a family. Hang on tight because it can be an exciting ride!
That is exciting! Congratulations!
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