To own a pair of knee high leather boots.
Nothing much to most of the world. In fact, you probably have owned several pairs throughout your lifetime. Not me. Even when I was a size 6 (yep, that is how I started college), I couldn't fit into knee-high boots because of my calves. I always "explain" my big calves as resulting from my years and years of dancing. Jack always corrects me and "explains" it is a result of my short and stubby father. Fine. Either way...

Next dream: to find wide calf rain boots that actually fit my man calves...
Hooray!! I love them :) And, I am so happy for you, as I am just now fulfilling my dream of owning knee high boots as well. This is indeed very exciting!
Love your new blog design! And your tunes. I have never noticed your man calves before. I will have to look closer nest time Ha!
I am truly happy for you. I love the smell of you sniff your boots?
Wait...don't answer that...too personal, huh?
Hey, Steph...lemmie wear your boots...
Oh, genetics probably wouldn't allow it...your legs are like two feet longer than mine, you hag.
Sooo cute! I am still wearing my first pair of new high leather boots that I bought in 1997. Yes, they are 12+ years old. I need new ones but can't find any that I love. I think I need to go to Nine West. You need to post a photo of you in your boots!
i also suffer from large-calf-syndrome. mine are inherited but also from all that bouncing as a hs cheerleader (yep, i was). i looked for years and finally found one pair-at walmart. they now have permanent marker covering scuff marks and i've had them for years-but hey, they still work! congrats on your find! from one calf-frustrated woman to another!
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