And if you haven't played, and have young children, its a great game (especially for Family Home Evening). This one is a free download http://www.executivehomemaker.com/2009/04/dont-eat-pete/. You can also use a blank bingo-type card with your leftover scrapbook stickers.
(We also use cereal instead of candy most times--not because we don't want our children to have candy, but probably because they have eaten candy for bfast, lunch, and dinner.)
Ohhhhhhh, the mystery...the intrigue...
Will you post about it if you figure out who it is? I am so nosy...uh...I meant curious.
You taught me that game! I made a gameboard after your lesson at...well, I think at that time it was still called Homemaking...but maybe it had changed to, Home, Family and Personal Enrichment...now it's Relief Society...at least I think so...
Will you pass my address on to them? I would love a mystery gift that involves M&Ms...
I think it is a friend of my moms. Her scrapbook lady.
It was me. Just no time to email you to watch for it. Just seemed like a great addition to your colection. The daughter in their family was making them for a special fund raiser.
We love this game! Thanks for the link:-)
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