The first snow of the season came the morning Jack and F were leaving at 5:30am to Harrisonburg for the FLL State finals. Of course. We only got about 3 inches that stuck, but it snowed all day.

Jack said where he was, they got about 6 inches. The little boys had great fun though, even though Jack wasn't home to take them sledding.

Snow angels on the trampoline. We always thought we would take down the mat during the fall and winter, but they bounce on that thing all year long, rain or shine, snow and sleet!

Still on the fence about whether or not Cookie was thrilled with the snow.

We got snow yesterday but it was so lame compared to Saturday. Just enough to make it annoying but not enough to enjoy. Glad we could share the first snowfall with you...kind of!
Love the snow on the trampoline.
Way to go Finn, going to state!
Sorry that they had to travel in treacherous weather...
We are so excited for you to get snow, though. Adam would be sick with jealousy.
Saw your comment on my blog. Yes for sure the next time we will have to get the cousins together.
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