I tried it on and loved it, the bold color, the "Asian inspired" neckline, everything...everything that is, except the length. I really felt like it was too short. But I bought it anyway. Then I just looked at it everyday in my closet. Running out the door on the way to the pool, tired of reading, I brought the dress and a seam ripper. I watched dive after dive while I pulled the 3-inch seam out. Once out I had all these plans for covering up the stictching holes and fixing the hem with binding but after a starch and press and adding in a double hem about 1/4 inch, there was no need. VIOLA!! My dress. I recognize many would save this enthusiasm for a dress they actually made. Not me!Wore it today with my turquoise wedges and loved it. Yay, I have cured my Sunday dress doldrums--for this week anyway.
so cute! i got a killer deal on a dress at ann taylor's but it shrank a little in the wash and now it's too short. can you do the same thing for mine????
I wish I had been there to see it today. I am impressed!
Congratulations! I love that you found a way to make it work!
So cute! I love the style. Where is the picture of you with your turquoise wedges?!
I was ready to read that you ruined it! Now I am impressed because I have great ideas about modifying my clothing but would probably end up ruining it.
i meant to tell you that you looked HOT yesterday! i totally noticed the dressed-loved it!! congrats, holly homemaker!
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