I feel like I am this person...

But lately I feel like the world sees me as this person...

It started at kindergarten registration. I was there to get S all signed up and an acquaintance (you know, one of those moms who you know, but you don't really "know" or hang with, but always say hello to in passing) said something that threw me. She said, "Oh, you have a kindergartner? I didn't know you had one that YOUNG." That young? Wha? Now the, "I didn't know you had one that
old..." statement I used to get a lot when parents did not know about F because he was so much older than the little boys. The worst part? I'd bet money the woman is 2-4 years
older than I am. Then to boot, at my routine physical yesterday the doctor said that due to my family history of heart disease, I needed to get a full cholesterol work up. Blah. For the record, my numbers are excellent and I was given an excellent bill of health, all things considered. Well, as healthy as you can be for being (gasp!) 34!
Last night I was laying in bed and it dawned on me that I am not a young mom anymore. Not middle aged yet but just not a young mom. It's this weird in between.
Welcome to my world! Except now I think the young mothers are astonished that my kids are as young as they are... especially since my age group has kids embarking on high school.
Oh, and I agree, Cadbury should take over the world.
I'm ancient...and would really love to go disco roller skating. Maybe we could go on "senior" night!
Yeah, J made a joke to his coworker today about Belinda Carlisle and he didn't know who she was...are you kidding me?
Not to take up for such an apparently insensitive comment, but I'd be willing to bet big money that she meant that she didn't know you had a third child.
Congrats on the good cholesterol. How's that for an old lady comment.
Well, good cholesterol is wonderful news...I agree with Amy...I guess that was an old lady comment...but it was my first reaction.
34 is YOUNG...and I'm not just saying that because I am so old.
Jamie, I've always thought you look great, even for a mom of three boys. Take it from 37 and a half year old me. You're not old.
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