When we were in Iceland we learned quickly, that like IKEA, all stores throughout the country charge for each plastic bag. If you don't want to pay, bring your own bags.

The woman at Kroger today would not have used 8 bags for her 20 items if she'd been paying for them, of that I have no doubt.In D.C, the 5 cent plastic bag tax has resulted in a drop from 22 million bags to 3 million bags in one month! I mean this is common sense people-just carry your bags in already.
You don't have to be a hippie, or a democrat, or any other stereotypical "environmentalist" to realize this

is just stupid. I have a great tip Laurie B told me. She said if you are in the store and have forgotten your bags, and you are waiting in line or ready to check out, leave your cart. Go. Return to the car, get the bags, make the trip and you will be so hassled/embarrassed/annoyed you will not forget to bring them in again. It totally worked for me.

Now, bringing them back out to the car after unloading them in your kitchen, even though they have been hanging on the doorknob for days, OR getting them equally distributed amongst both cars? You're on your own.
Excellent point.
...that little turtle made me sad...I feel like he is gonna die a slow cruel horribe death from choking on that bag.
You went to Iceland?!? Cool...It's true. The baggers can sure stuff the reusable bags to the brim but when using plastic bags its like 3 items in each bag....
Agree completely! I have Bunch of these bags that fold up super tiny. I have a bunch stuffed in the bottom of my purse. They are trying to make them illegal here, which is awesome. I think it should just be illegal to make them.
That's my problem...they sit by my front door & I walk past them several times a day without taking them back to my van!
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