Which is a good thing-because if we had, I'm pretty sure we'd be called liars! This is what perfection looks like at the McKinley house...

You can thank G for farting which got us this one.

This was F's response to the question about a girlfriend.

G thought when she said make a crazy face she meant look possessed.

The adults playing normal.

Heaven help this crazy mess of a crew.
I love the pictures! You get to see more personality with the imperfection. You look awesome by the way!
i laughed out loud! these kinds of pictures are best i think. nobody actually sits still and smiles sweetly while wearing perfectly matching clothing...except maybe this one family of cousins i have. how do they DO that?!?!?
LOL...I can't decide if the pictures or your comments are better!
Cute pictures! Someone should wallpaper a room with that fancy background, love it.
What happened to the ski pics? I do love the background though--are these self-portraits?
Jaime, you look so beautiful in the pics. I love your long, thick, luxurious hair.
Hey, don't roll your eyes...I meant that.
The boys look awesome. I love that background, too.
looks pretty picture perfect to me....not sure where you got those good photo genes from!!!!
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