Gma and Gpa have been helping the boys with FHE while they have been staying here, particularly with the Activity and Treat portions of the evening. G told Gma he wanted to have a "BURIED treasure hunt (not just a regular treasure hunt) and so, as Gma and Gpa do--they made it happen...

Just prior to the execution, however, G decided he wanted in on the hunt, so he left the final clue making and hiding up to them so he could participate. G is full of ideas lately. Thank you, second grade.

I think it made their top 1o FHE list for the year.
Very cool! So what was the treasure?
ring pops, baby bottle pops and oreos for the adults--as specifically chosen by G. (so glad he was intuitive enough to know we did NOT want the baby bottle pop)
And even better that you didn't have to plan it!
Love Jacks expression in the 2nd. Are you saying, 'nooo, it can't beeee!'
What? You don't like Baby Bottle Pops? G is a genius to include the Oreos.
Grandma and Grandpa are the GREATEST!
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