I am clearing out old boxes. Any important papers are getting kept in sheet protectors and all photos are going into an album or they too are getting trashed. Came across 2 college year photos from The BYU and all I can focus on is how SHORT my skirt and shorts were. Now clearly, this picture was 80's night at Classic Skate (thereby short shorts defendable--somewhat--ok, not really), but...

this picture was one morning on our way to CHURCH. Church I say!!

That is not church length appropriate. Who did I think I was? (oh yeah, and remember when I was skinny?)
(PS- Can you tell the boys are all in school 5 days a week now and I am working on projects. This week: clearing up/tossing out/photoshopping old-jaime-body-into-current-jaime pictures photo project)
Can I hire you out?
Lookin' super hot in those tube socks, girl!
I used to think I was so fat in high school. What I wouldn't give to have that, "fat" body, now. I am intrigued by your new photoshop project. I think I should do the same.
In answer to the question in your post's title: Toni Basil. Adorable!
Who did I think I was? Why was I wearing that dress when I was so skinny? Furthermore, I am astonished that Beth had a dress that long and that you got a picture of it!
Yeah, what is up with that LONGGGG dress? I need to find pictures of us at Jenny Holmes' wedding reception (you know, at the mansion?). I think we both had short AND sleeveless dresses. Scandalous....
You look cute in these pictures! Let's go roller skating--I'm sure I could scrounge up some short shorts for the event!
I just got rollerskates at the flea market for ten bucks that are like new and fit me like a charm. Powder blue with silver sparkle laces, no less!! Lovin 'em! I'll leave the short shorts back in the category of reminiscing though. Lol!
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