Three years ago we bought a bunch of plants when Central Lumber went out business ("Thanks for that one Lowe's!" said in a tone that both loathes the destructively sweeping arm of big business, while appreciating big business prices). We bought whatever was on clearance for less than $5 and planted random things all over the yard.
One of them has grown and created my favorite spot in our yard: the wisteria banister. What was so small just three years ago has blossomed and grown up our balcony into this fluffy and fragrant bee haven.

It is so beautiful and aromatic; it has also brought a mysterious sense of murder, sex, and intruigue to our home.
Is that as in "Black Dahlia?" White Wisteria" should be a best seller on Ophra's book club. Well, from any angle the vine is incredible. I think of southern plantations and warm, balmy nights on the front porch. Don't forget the mosquito spray.
I love it. I keep planting random things hoping that they will look great in three years. Hasn't happend yet.
Lovely, I bet it makes it cool just to walk up and down the stairs now.
That is truly, truly beautiful.
What you said about the sweeping arm of big buisness reminded me of the song you put on my awesome CD of the little hardware store that was in danger because of the big buisnesses.
i thought you've always had a mysterious sense of murder, sex and intruigue at your home-with or without the wisteria. it's beautiful!
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