With no girls, there are a few things I cling to with my boys that help me cope with the testosterone overload. The boys' locks of curly hair are something I love about them. When G decided to buzz his head last summer because his hair kept getting tangled in his goggles, I agreed (thinking his hair would grow back and the locks would return). His hair has not grown back yet, 10 months later!

S has been hassling me to buzz his locks since G did. I refused. But the last couple of mornings he has thrown the fit of a teenage girl!

Here are some direct quotes, coupled with tears and his hands ruffling and tossing his hair in frustration:
"My hair is too curly and it looks funny."
"Kids are going to laugh at my hair."
(had to include this pic because it highlights the huge scar he got Sunday morning as he jumped off the foozball table while I was in the shower)
"My hair looks like it has bulldog horns. I don't want to be a bulldog!"
"I can't make my hair look right!"
"My hair looks weird and I want it all cut off...like G's"

So, fine--give the child what he wants...but don't expect me not to cry about the loss of my little dutch boy! I did make him wait until school pictures were finished yesterday. (and please disregard my soaking crockpot in the background)
Your title really spoke to me...
*sniff* he looks like such a big boy. I can see why you are in mourning. He does look very handsome, though. I know that doesn't ease the pain...sorry...
His comments were cute...the bulldog horns one was my favorite.
My boys don't have gorgeous curls so it wasn't as hard to buzz them...I wish I could say I feel your pain.
...you know...so I could have been more supportive...
(add that to my last comment...I published too soon)
I looked and read with fear. I didn't want the little boy to be gone, but he turned out really cute. Good out come.
I was just impressed thinking you had something cooking in the crockpot. He still looks handsome... just not as cherubic. I love those curls!
Oh yeah, and what are "bull dog horns"? Are they the ears that have been taped off?
So cute! I can totally feel your pain. I love little boys with long curly hair. He is a doll!
He is a cutie. Kai has gone through many phases of long hair and short hair. I don't know if it is my imagination but he seems better behaved with short hair, funny.
I always loved his curly hair, but he looks very handsome with his buzz cut.
good thing i saw the picture first because i wouldn't know who that kid was, just think, no tangled goggle hair for anyone this summer!
did you save a curl to put in his scrapbook?
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