All my friends who are drowning in it in DC are using both. I personally like Snowmageddon, but then, we've only had 45 some inches so we have no claim to the title just yet.

Yesterday, the sun was out long enough for the boys to go to school (briefly), the roads to clear up (sort of), and a me to make a quick trip to the library to re-stock the shelf. But, then night came.

Our neighbors buried car.
The tree in our backyard.

The neighborhood, after having the roads cleared for a good portion of the day, turned white again as the new storm arrived.

If it's the end of the world, bring it, I'm ready. If it's not...ENOUGH ALREADY! I like the snow, I like the winter, but only the mild versions-which is supposedly why we live in Virginia. Any birthmothers in AZ or FL or CA looking to place a baby, like, now?
We vote snowmageddon!
I personally like Snowpocalypse my self. It looks like "The Day After Tomorrow" around here. 28 inches last storm, and 10-20 in tonight (they can't decide, or they won't tell...)
Love the snowmen no matter the name of the storm.
Darn that groundhog!
Our biggest gripe is there isn't a sled to be found anywhere here. We've looked everywhere! All this snow and we can't even go sledding!
Its about time you got yours! Blizzards are fun for the first day and then they get a little old.
I loved the, "If it's not...ENOUGH ALREADY!"
I had to tell Mike about your boys saying, "Do we have to play in the snow, today?" It made us both laugh.
How is the weather in Yonkers?
I crack myself up.
what about hawaii?? i've been very vocal about my feelings about the weather. i'm done. D-U-N, done.
I am so jealous of all your snow--even though you guys have had more than your share of it this winter. your boys must be loving the play time outside--that is if you can open your door to get outside :)
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