On Oct. 25th, I was in Relief Society making an announcement about ordering cheese blend for our food storage. Ten minutes later, my stomach didn't feel right and as I got up to excuse myself so I wouldn't barf on Tanner, I passed out. And that is when our staycation at Carilion Medical Center began.
How many of you have left Relief Society in an ambulance? The gist of the story goes something like this...Jack and I had been trying to get pregnant for 7 months. I was finally pregnant, went in to the doctor at 10 weeks and found out I was having a miscarriage. At what I thought was near the end of the miscarriage my fallopian tube exploded because it turned out I had an ectopic pregnancy. I fainted due to the internal bleeding from my tube rupturing.
(this pic taken 4 days after)
(this is the couch upgrade Jack got when we were moved into our private room--who needs a suite at Disneyworld?)
I cry every time I think of all the generous people who have sent meals, flowers, candy, babysat my children, cleaned my house, sent cards, and most of all said a prayer in my behalf. Words cannot express my thanks. I guess if I had to follow the staycation trend (I have been griping about going on a vacation) I am so lucky to have taken it here in Radford.
Stay tuned for a series of posts about the major and menial things in my life that I am grateful to still be alive to experience.

I am skipping the remainder of the gory details of what it entailed with the exception of: lots of internal bleeding, fatally low blood pressure, possible organ failure, a touch and go night, Jack sleeping on a couch in the ICU waiting room, and a chain of international phone calls for blessings to heaven to plead for my life. Heavenly Father heard your prayers, sent amazing doctors and nurses my way, and now I am hear to dictate this post to you, through Brittany.
Because all of my blood was pooling in my guts, they couldn't find a vein to hook me up to an IV. I also have a nice hole on the left side of my chest from my central line.
These pretty bruises have twins on the other arm.

I had a pretty scab that has fallen off from where I hit the floor--I am just glad I didn't break my nose. I also managed to chip my molar.
(this is the couch upgrade Jack got when we were moved into our private room--who needs a suite at Disneyworld?)

Okay, so I am totally crying as I read this. Jaime, it really was so, so close. When I got the call from Amy T. about this I just kept saying to her intermittenly thoughout our conversation, "She almost died, she really did almost die." (I am so, so, grateful that Jack had Amy call me...thanks Jack and Amy.)
Ohhhh, those bruises.
So, when I talked to Jack right before calling you in the hospital he gave me strict instructions not to make you laugh because you had severe abdominal pain. So...I was wanting to say things along the lines of..."Jaime, if you didn't want to stay for Relief Society, you could have just said so." or, "Jamie if you died I would so kill you."
We have been praying for you as a family and when I mentioned your name the first time Adam said, "Who is Jaime again?" and I said, "You know, F and 'Peaches' mom. Even after all of this time he still thinks of G as, "Peaches".
I LOVE YOU, and please, if it isn't too much trouble, do not have any more near death expeiences. Mmmkay? Thanks.
Seriously, we. LOVE. you!
Jaime! Oh my gosh. I had no idea. I'm so glad you are okay. You and Lysa can compare ICU stories. A similar thing happened to my Dad about 4 1/2 years ago (except for the exploding fallopian tube). He had internal bleeding and passed crawling out of the bathroom at work. I'm so glad that you are recovering and that so many people were able to provide help and support to you and your family. I hate to make light but "you just got served"!
Girl, you really scared all of us. I am so glad that you are on the road to recovery. I know it is hard to accept service, but us being able to serve you as blessed our lives as well.
Your boys were really cute the night I watched them. I got several body parts cut off while having light saber fights and got laughed at when I had to hop around on one foot and then fight with no arms. My favorite part was saying prayers with S and G and feeling the love they have for their family. Your boys were real troopers through the entire ordeal. You have done an amazing job as a mother. I really admire you and the way you deal with all things life has thrown at you.
Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I love your title here. Yeah, some staycation.
I am so glad to hear that you are ok! Just the other day I was thinking that you really needed to update the blog-- sorry. When you said you passed out in RS I got so embarressed for you, but then I read on and realized that it was the least of your worries. Get better and don't try to do too much too soon!
We are all just so happy your okay and back to having a sense of humor!
My mom has been keeping us updated (you know that woman who knows everything and likes to share it) and we have been praying for you! Isn't it amazing what the church does for us when drama strikes? I'm so glad you are doing better. I know we had our rough times in YW, okay so rough might be an understatment, but I have since decided that your humor amuses me and you are an amzing woman!
Jaime, We love you and are so happy for your recovery. It is great to know you still have the "EDGE!" Whatever the opposite of a Staycation is we're doing it. Can't wait to be back with you and to spend time with your boys and give you and Jack lots of quality time alone. love, Bob and Joan
Phew! Glad you are ok. Thankfully we're still somewhat part of the Radford Grapevine and heard what was going on. Sorry about the crappy staycation!
Hi Jaime - I love you so much and we are so happy that you are improving. I am not ashamed to say that this entire experience scared me #@!*less so I can only imagine what it has been like for you and Jack. I am impressed that you posted photos of yourself but you have always impressed me. It good to see that you have still maintained your sense of humor through all of this. Rest up for the holidays and I will call you soon.
next time just barf on my kid. i promise i'll forgive you. such a horrible experience but filled with so many wonderful blessings. reading this made me cry all over again for you and your family and what you've been through. so glad you're still here.
I still want to see the new clothes we were just talking about 10 minutes before it happened! Can't wait til you're up and out wearing those much deserved clothes!
Just when we thought 2009 couldn't get any crappier...and by the way, I'm never calling 911 for you again, ever. xoxo
Jaime wow! My mom told me what happened and we have been praying for you, that is so scary! I'm so glad you are getting better and that there are so many people around to help you out! Get better soon!
I hope your recovering is going well. Love you so much! Pcakage coming soon!
We are glad you are okay Jaime, and will be remembering you also in our prayers.
My goodness girl...you've had quite the month! How scary and painful was that?! I'm so glad you are ok. Thank goodness you weren't home alone when it happened.
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