Here are 11 things I hope Finn remembers about himself at age 11:
1. How good he is with his brothers--he loves to play with them, have slumber parties with them, and teach them how to do things.
1. How good he is with his brothers--he loves to play with them, have slumber parties with them, and teach them how to do things.
2. How much he loves to read--we go to Barnes and Noble and by the time we get home he is 1/2 way finished with the novel.
3. How into the Food Network and cooking show he is--he knows more about Guy Fieri and Bobby Flay than any other 11 year old.
4. He still loves Webkinz--it's the age I still loved Barbie but pretended not to at school, guess same rules still apply.
5. Anything Lego is his obsession.
6. He beat his mom at scrabble for the first time, days before his 11th bday

7. He loves playing games with his parents after the little boys go to sleep--may this continue forever!
8. He is sensitive to those around him and we all love him for that
9. He slacked off on his Webelos badge all year (it's true Finn, you know it), but when it came time to get it in gear, he worked his tail off and finished on time. I also want him to remember he was learning to whip/fuse rope the night before his 11th birthday...
10. He has a strong testimony of the gospel--he will need it to fortify himself against what is to come in his teenage years. But even at such a young age, he has a moral compass stronger than many adults (sometimes even too strong, is that possible?).
11. He doesn't want to switch lives with anyone he knows--we had a long talk the other day and while he wishes he had this, or could do that, but he understands the strength of being happy with who you are & what you have. It is a lesson I didn't learn until much older. He is strong. And now he is 11.
Finn, we love all eleven things about you and you are unique and funny. It is a great combination. Smart is wonderful, smart and funny makes a wonderful life.
By the way, when you come to visit us in California that little place under the stairs was designed for people who want to hide out with a good book. Love, Grandma Joan and Grandpa Bob
Happy Birthday, Finn!!
Love that he beat you at Scrabble...that is quite an accomplishment!!
I happened to like the title.
The last one you listed shows how mature he is. I am still learning that one.
It seems like yesterday that we were chillin on the futon watching Little People.
Happy B-Day Fin. A good cook is never lonely. Keep watching Food Network!
Finn is an amazing boy! I hope he had a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Finn! You are one of the coolest 11 year olds we know.
It is hard to believe he is 11 and will be old enough to have the Priesthood next year. Where does time go? I still remember the first time I saw him in the flesh and held him like it was yesterday. Our first grandchild and what a sweet and kind boy he has always been. I love the list with the 11 things . . . the small and simple joys of life that we can often forget as we get older. I love you Finn! You're the BEST! Love, Grandma Nita
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