During the first game of the season, we repeatedly were yelling at the little boys (G & J) to stop hugging and start watching for the ball.

But in game 2, it was G who scored the winning goal. He had some pretty mad skills, for a kindergartener. I don't think F scored until he'd been playing several seasons. Regrettably, a few games later we learned we still have some work to do as goalie. Here's to a blossoming soccer career!

I definitely can see the similarity...can't you?
What a great photo. I am reluctant to start soccer, I don't want to give up my Saturdays.
It's the hair... keep it up and he'll be there next year.
Ah yes, I TOTALLY see the similarity!!
Woot woot! Go G! That is AWESOME!!
I love the, "stop hugging" plea. We always had to yell, "Stop digging in the dirt...STAND UP!!"
You have a big thank you note headed your way!!!!!!
He's a winner. You can see the fire flashing from his eyes even in profile.
Tip for G: On the field you are a rocket, as the goalie you are a WALL and no ball gets through you.
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