F earned the title of 1 of 12 finalists in his school to compete for a spot at the regional round of the Scripps National Spelling Bee. We didn't study until the night before, so he wasn't as versed as he could have been, but he still did well. We were so proud of him. Regrettably though, he went out on the 3rd of 5 rounds.
But $100 says he will never forget how to spell the word, "transparency."

And for some reason, I cannot get a decent shot of him on stage, at any school event. I have tried every setting on my camera...I blame school lighting!
I can't get good pictures in our school gym and stage either. I've tried every setting as well. I get the best results with the "snow" setting, but I have to be very still with the camera.
Maybe he could take an afternoon field trip to Kinko's and Gma can get him ready for next year. He'll be sure to know XEROX at least!
School lighting stinks!
He is getting huge!
For that exact reason, I will always know how to spell virtue. What a crappy word to go out on huh? And I didn't get $100 for it either. Tell Finn Congrats!
You have to rent "Spellbound". It's a documentary about the "Bee".
Good for him. I value good spelling skills.
I knew any offspring of you and Jack would be a star at any kind of intellectual event. Don't ask me why-- maybe it was the "get an entire card of Trivial Pursuit right before you go to bed" game, maybe it was the mean games of Scrabble...
We are sew proud of F. Mispeling is such a waist of time. If we every need eny help when we are older F. will bee the one we come too.
I can't spell trans...transpa...oh, forget it...I can't spell that either.
Once I finally learned to e-mail and use the computer I nearly wept with joy each time I hit spell check.
I agree...I can never get good pictures at school. Or in the gym where Adam played basketball.
GREAT JOB, F!!!!!!!!!!!!!
golly Jaime - is he taller than you yet?
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