Today, at 4pm, is the day!!

Elaine is driving to Atlanta right now because the plane couldn't take off due to bad weather. Elaine, you can do this. You have been preparing for this and if anyone can pull it off, you can.
We love you guys and the New River Valley, Radford especially, is focusing all their prayers and positive energy your way. This is it!
Ian was born in June of 2005 so that makes him 3 currently. He has blonde hair (lots of it) and blue eyes. He has a rare liver disease called biliary atresia and was diagnosed when he was two months old. He is currently awaiting a life saving liver transplant at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Ian loves books, playgrounds, and Thomas the Train. He is an active and intelligent three year old that can spell his first and last name, say his phone number and birth date.
Ian was born in June of 2005 so that makes him 3 currently. He has blonde hair (lots of it) and blue eyes. He has a rare liver disease called biliary atresia and was diagnosed when he was two months old. He is currently awaiting a life saving liver transplant at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Ian loves books, playgrounds, and Thomas the Train. He is an active and intelligent three year old that can spell his first and last name, say his phone number and birth date.
We will add our prayers here in India with all of yours.
Your post made me cry, Jaime. This really is it! I have chills thinking about it. I will begin praying immediately!!
I know you don't want to have me say this but...I just know how grateful the Meldrums, and the Herbsts are for all you have done to raise the money to have the surgery that will save Ian's life. What you have done is really and truly amazing.
Don't delete this comment...I will get you if you do! I know where you live.
We are all praying here in our section of team Ian!
We are praying too!
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