The picture below was taken...
from this rocker (which we LOVE--from Cracker Barrel...umhmm) on my porch.
The view is not spectaular, per se. It's not even as good a view as others have from their yards, but it's still so great to me.
I love how the trees come together touching tips forming an arch as I drive up Wadsworth. I drive it once a day in the Fall and I love it every time. We may not be as cool as California, or as trendy as New York, or as tropical as Hawaii, but I love my sleepy little town. Thankfully, there are people that will live in CA, NY, and HI--and love those places just the same--so I can live here. Different strokes for different folks, eh?
driving on Wadsworth is one of my favorites too..
It is a beautiful view! I hope we get to visit soon!
Ohhhhh, another chance for me to whine again. You stated it all so perfectly...all 4 seasons...I miss having all FOUR seasons!
It is truly beautiful! I miss the drive to Stake Conference in Pembroke, too. Some years that drive was so breathtaking.
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