Last Monday we had decided that we were going to get a tree and decorate it. Each year we seem to delay the tree purchase and we don't get to enjoy the tree for as long as we would like. So we got an early start and we were thinking that we would buy a live tree. After doing some research, we found out that a live tree needs to be planted after 10 days. So...we ended up buying a cut tree instead. We straightened up the house and then headed to a tree lot to support the local Lion's Club. It turns out the Lion's Club did not need our support because they were closed at 6:50 even though the sign said closed at 7:00. The boys were dead set on getting a tree that night so we forged on. Another tree lot was closed and then we checked Lowe's. They of course were still open so we decided to support our locally operated nationally owned Lowe's. I guess that is the benefit of staying open after hours. We hurried home and decorated the tree and then put the boys to bed.
That's a great tree. I love how the branches stick out all perfect. I guess that's what happens when you get a real one. Love your decorations too. I still remember our post Christmas there. Good times.
jack--your photo missed the star...no annie leibowitz, huh?-love me, not yourself
Grandma in Hawaii, highly approves. Lovely shape and beautifully decorated! Love the tree skirt.
Grandma in Hawaii, highly approves. Lovely shape and beautifully decorated! Love the tree skirt.
Great tree! Your Grandma Sally would approve. She raised Christmas tree selection and decoration to a high art. The tree had to perfectly shaped and then decorated to exacting standards with tinsel being place on last one strand at a time. It is wonderful to see pictures of your growing boys. Kudos to Jaime and you! I actually did my first blog on our website. Maybe I can get into the 21st century after all. Love, Dad
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