It's true. When I start to feel antsy, anxious, bored, overwhelmed, sad, troubled, even when I feel
overwhelming blessed, I start a project. It's why my carpet never gets steam cleaned, but all the boys are
diggin their new book slings I saw in Family Fun over a year ago.

(The magazine page has been stuck to my fridge since then and thanks to
MLK, we finally got started on them yesterday. No fears, they picked their own fabrics and pink polkas were not on the menu!)
The project at hand: Blankets.
I stumbled across a
birthmothers site several months ago and thought, I should get involved. I thought about it and then forgot about it. Saw it again about 2 weeks ago, and it has been a burr in my side that won't go away. Friends who were listed with our same adoption agency were placed with their adorable baby daughter around the same time and I think that is what has stirred me into action. We are so excited for the
Watsons!! Truly! We have seen the miracle of adoption just a couple blocks from our own front door and it is powerful! It has also brought with it for our family, an ever present preoccupation that we have not felt in some time.
With our recent one year anniversary of becoming hopeful adoptive parents, we are trying to embrace Pres. Uchtdorf's words, "Patience is not passive resignation nor is it failing to act because of our fears. Patience means waiting and enduring. It means staying with something and doing all that we can-working, hoping, exercising faith; bearing hardship with fortitude, even when the desires of our heart are delayed. Patience is not simply enduring, it is enduring well!" So I am jumping into a project and I would love it if you'd join me!
What are you joining me in? I am setting a goal to collect/make/buy 30 blankets to send to the
Blankets for Birthmothers project by Feb 28
th. There is a
birthmother who is collecting and donating blankets to give to hospitals/agencies for
birthmothers to wrap their babies in before they place and then take home with them "so they won't leave empty-handed." It struck a nerve when I read that. I have read in several places, this is a common practice among
birthmothers--keeping something to remind them of their child. How
symbolic a simple blanket can be.
If you will get me the blankets, I will ship them. All you have to do is buy/make a blanket for me to send. You can drop it off to me anytime. If no one wants to jump on board, I will be busy sewing this next month, so when I don't answer the phone, you'll know why. (Sufficiently guilted?)