The first shower is of course as I roll out of bed for the church pancake breakfast, which I was in charge of again. The boys spent the night with gma, so they were going to her wards breakfast and then coming to ours late, so with just myself to get ready this morning, the shower was dreamy. And it was a great breakfast-

After the pancake b'fast we walked around Bissett Park to see the booths of crafts, let the boys get lost, I mean 'jump', in the bounce houses, ride the ponies, climb the rock wall, and of course, eat funnel cakes and snow cones. Minus the food, everything was free, which is another reason I love our small town.

It was so hot and humid we went straight to the pool after the park. I count diving in the pool as shower two. Shower three happened after the pool to wash off all the sunscreen and chlorine (Jack is going to read this and ask why the pic is of him at the pool and not me--).
Everyone is chillin out now and we will round out the day with a little BBQ here (I even bought slider buns and I am so excited) and fireworks at the Glencoe. I ordered a case of red, white, and blue candy necklaces to pass along to the children at fireworks and I think I am more excited than they are...We will come home (which including the traffic to get out of the museum parking lot will be about 10 minutes), put boys to bed, and start shower #4 to get the evening, hanging- out-in-the-humid-night-for-fireworks-smell off of me, and call it a day.
I have done the same thing the last several years on the 4th and hope to do the same for several more.
**Post-fireworks addition:

parking ourselves at Glencoe Museum hill for the show

the boys spinning their glo-sticks and almost decapitating us

"enjoying" the show from a safe locale (like the greazzy profile pic?)

all day and night G kept saying "thank you mom and dad for the best 4th of July ever-I just want to keep saying it over and over again." then in the car on the way to fireworks he said, "Mom, will you take a picture of me and then turn it into a real picture I can hold so I can remember this day forever?" love that boy!

not feeling well, F "endured" the day with a headache